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Shauneille Smith

What sets Shauneille apart is her ability to connect deeply with those navigating similar paths. Her story resonates with countless women leaders who, despite earning titles and responsibilities, still feel a profound longing for meaningful achievement, freedom and personal fulfillment.​

Shauneille knows the humbling experience of financial struggle—she vividly recalls the embarrassment of counting coins at Walmart, trying to pay for groceries as a line of restless sighs grew louder behind her.

Among the crowd, a father with his son sighed impatiently until the man turned to Shauneille with empathy, telling her to take her time. That moment became symbolic: a reminder of resilience, grace, and the importance of self-worth, regardless of circumstance.


Professionally, Shauneille’s journey has often mirrored the experience of many driven women leaders: invited to contribute her ideas to boards and projects without equitable compensation, yet blocked from the positions she applied for that would recognize her value. Realizing that real change would require a shift, Shauneille redefined her path. She embraced a strategic approach, setting her sights on goals aligned with her purpose and aspirations. Her commitment and research into more fulfilling opportunities paved the way for her success today, demonstrating the power of vision and relentless focus.

Shauneille’s work is dedicated to helping others see the value they bring to every environment. She encourages women to step into their true worth and cultivate the gifts that will lead them to freedom, fulfillment, and influence. Her life stands as proof: when you’re willing to put in the work and embrace a process-oriented approach, genuine growth and transformation will follow. Her story and expertise offer inspiration to all who are ready to pursue their potential and embrace the life they envision.

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Maurice Jordan

Creator of The HBCU Trivia Game ©Creator of The HBCU Trivia Game

Miss Smith is a phenomenal person and a wonderful champion for Empowerment! Her knowledge and expertise is A+.

Davis Lisa

Shauneille Smith is an exceptional career advisor who has provided me with invaluable guidance and support many times throughout my career. I am pleased to say that Shauneille's advice was instrumental in helping me achieve career goals leading to several promotion opportunities.

Marvin N. Arrington

Jr. Chairman,

The Little Willie Center

We found Shauneille to be a genuine, caring, and loving person. Different from a lot of people working in that profession. She proved when working with the girls, she showed in communicating with them empathy, which made her a great listener and helped her to understand just what the girls was expressing.

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