The Hook Up: No Investment No Return
The Hook Up was written for anyone who has ever wondered what’s next for them. It is designed to help all emerging leaders, community organizers, small business owners & all who desire more out of life. Even if you don’t know what you want to do yet, the information and tips in this book offer plenty of ideas to help you build a solid foundation for your dream. Regardless of whether you are a young adult or a mature adult in transition. If you desire more out of life, this book is for you. Inside you will discover: - Strategies and systems to help you grow as a leader and expand your influence. - The importance of personal development - Life-tested strategies - Actionable steps that will accelerate your growth and productivity I am confident that at the end of this book your strategy will be refined and enhanced from a more informed you. Information is power. Individuals who are not in-formed of their options make poor decisions. It is imperative to be aware of your options and know your desires results before proceeding forward. Shauneille is a speaker and trainer who operates on a holistic level. The holistic model is to achieve its return on investment in human capital by requiring measurable outcomes of success for individuals and teams. Her experience has taught her that individual success tied to team success means that everyone wins. It applies to businesses, families and communities of which we all are a part.